About Me

Hello! I’m Lauren: therapist and coach at Thrive Wellbeing Therapy.

You have likely found yourself here because you are looking for support in your life. Maybe it’s to learn helpful tools to ease your stress or anxiety? Or to grow your self-confidence and take steps forward on a dream life goal? Perhaps you want to explore and overcome any unhelpful beliefs that have been holding you back from flourishing in life…

The possibilities of our journey together are limitless.

The mind-body connection is a huge passion of mine. After spending many years with overwhelming anxiety, it was only when I learnt about the nervous system, and also given the right tools to help me regulate my body, that things in my life improved. I finally understood what was happening physiologically and I was equipped with the right techniques to help solve my problem. These are tools, learning and techniques I can’t wait to share with you too!

I really love learning and have studied and worked in a few industries that have led me to becoming a holistic therapist & coach today.

When I am not working with my incredible clients, you might see me at the local pilates studio - my absolute favourite form of exercise! On warm summer mornings, you may spot me at the local beach, enjoying the sunshine before the heat kicks in (I love summer, but prefer it in the shade of a tree!). I love to explore new places, and am often on the lookout for weekend adventures (bonus points if I can buy a great coffee at the destination too!).

Read more about my story and qualifications below...

A little more about me...

I began my career in the marketing world, before an opportunity to work in Japan changed my trajectory. Upon returning home, I moved into education for 14 years, as a teacher, then leadership - which was at that time, a true calling. However, no level of career ‘success’ or moving up the ladder helped my personal experience with daily anxiety. In fact, with a big heart, a desire to help others, and wanting to be seen as ‘managing life’, I was internally struggling with overwhelming emotions, and on the fast track to burnout.

I somehow stumbled across an incredible holistic therapy called Bowen Therapy, and approached a local therapist with the goal of feeling more calm and in control. She explained a set of moves called ‘The Vagus Nerve Procedure’, and 45 minutes later, I left the clinic completely relaxed. This kicked off my fascination with the human body, the workings of the autonomic nervous system and left me wanting to learn more about how my anxiety was related to this.

I signed up to study Bowen and loved the anatomy and physiology units. During my Bowen Therapy work, I came to understand the connection of the mind and how much impact the brain-body connection had on my clients, some with years of trauma stored in their bodies. This led me to decide to go back to uni to gain a Masters degree in Counselling, in order to help people heal their mind as well as their bodies. Since then, I have gone on to learn more on nervous system regulation, studying Polyvagal theory, somatic healing techniques, EFT tapping, clinical hypnotherapy, strategic psychotherapy, positive psychology and other healing modalities that specifically look at the brain-body connection.

Combining these techniques and tools have helped me to understand and manage my mind and control the feelings in my body; and now here I am, ready to teach you how to do the same.


• Master of Counselling

• Diploma Clinical Hypnotherapy

• Diploma Strategic Psychotherapy

• Grad Dip Education

• Advanced Practitioner EFT

• Advanced Practitioner Life Coaching

• Certified Neurological Fitness™ coach

• Cert IV Bowen Therapy

• Aaruka Healers Academy

• Bachelor of Business


• Australian Counselling Association - Registered Counsellor

• International Strategic Psychotherapists Association - Founding Member