Thrive Wellbeing: Counselling and Hypnotherapy Blog

Self compassion

What is so special about self compassion?

July 23, 20242 min read
As a counsellor, if there is one thing I advocate strongly for, it is self compassion. Some may roll their eyes at the concept, however I truly believe that self compassion isn't just some fluffy concept – it's a game-changer for directing kindness within ourselves. 

Self compassion boils down to one simple idea: treating ourselves with the same care, understanding, and acceptance we'd give to a friend in need. In my opinion, it's about embracing our flaws, our struggles, and our human-ness (is that even a word?), instead of beating ourselves up over every little hiccup.

So let me dive a little deeper into the magic of self compassion and help you figure out how to weave it into your daily life…

Practical Strategies for Cultivating Self Compassion:

  • Try to tune into your thoughts, feelings, and body sensations without getting judgmental about them. When those pesky self-critical thoughts pop up, gently steer your focus back to the present moment with a dash of kindness and curiosity.

  • Imagine you're your own bestie – because, well, you are (and if you are not, we definitely need to talk!). Shower yourself with words of encouragement, comfort, and support, just like you would to a friend going through a rough patch.

  • Instead of feeling like the only person on the planet dealing with stuff, try to connect with others who get it. Remember, you're part of a big ol' club of humans navigating the messy journey of life. And let me tell you, I know personally that it can be very messy at times... But connection can be a key to wellbeing.

  • Your feelings are valid, even the unhelpful ones. Give yourself permission to feel whatever you're feeling without slapping on a judgmental label. Try to honour your truth, embrace your emotions, and begin to let go of the need for external validation.

  • Even when life turns into a dumpster fire, there's usually always something to be thankful for. Take a moment each day to observe these, no matter how small they are. Gratitude has this magical way of shifting our perspective and inviting more goodness into our lives.

So, to quickly recap, self compassion isn't just some fluffy feel-good concept – it's a radical act of self-love and care that has the power to transform our lives from the inside out.

So what do you think? I say, let's ditch the self-criticism, embrace our humanity, and treat ourselves with the kindness and compassion we deserve. After all, life's too short to be anything but kind to ourselves.

xo Lauren

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Thrive Wellbeing Therapy: Counselling, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Holistic Wellbeing. Available Braeside Victoria and online.

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